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Stock performance


40 COP (1,03%)
al 28-03-25 03:01 PM

3.940COP /

40 COP (1,03%)
al 28-03-25 03:01 PM

Frequent questions

Shareholder Questions:

What type of shares does Celsia Have

Celsia  has ordinary shares only

What is the ex dividend period and how does it operate?

The ex-dividend period refers to the time during which it is understood that a sale of shares does not include the right to receive dividends payable by the purchaser provided that such operations take place in the period specified in paragraph 4 of article of the Colombian stock exchange regulation.

How are dividends paid?

There are two alternatives for the dividend payments:

  • Debit to an acount indicated by the client.
  • Collecting dividends in the branch of the Bank.

For any additional information regarding the payment process and requirements, please contact Fiduciaria Bancolombia:

  • Bogotá: calle 31 No. 06-39, Piso 19. Phone number: 57 1 742 1576
  • Medellín: carrera 48 No. 26 – 85 Mezanine, Torre Sur en Medellín.Pone number: 57 4 444 7231
  • From any citi in Colombia: 01 8000 954 242

When will the next general meeting meeting be held?

The exact date for the next shareholder general meeting will be made public as soon as the Board of Directors approves it.

Bondholder Questions:

Under which accounting standards are the financial statements created?

Pursuant to the current provisions, Celsia prepares its consolidated financial statements in accordance with the Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards accepted in Colombia (hereinafter, NCIF, for its Spanish original), which are based on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), together with their interpretations, translated into Spanish and issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (hereinafter, IASB) as at December 31, 2013.

Company General

What is Celsia?

Celsia is the Grupo Argos energy company, which is passionate about renewable energies and energy efficiency. We generate and transmit efficient energy from renewable sources with thermal backup.