Tracker Metricool
17 · 03 · 2023

Billion-Dollar Investment by Celsia in Networks and Substations to Guarantee Energy Service in Valle del Cauca and Meet the Growth of the Region

Billion-Dollar Investment by Celsia in Networks and Substations to Guarantee Energy Service in Valle del Cauca and Meet the Growth of the Region
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  • The company made a $357 billion investment in the department, where it serves more than 705,000 customers, 21,500 of them new since 2022.
  • Five new 34.5/13.2 kV substations were built in Buenaventura, Dagua, Jamundí, Restrepo and Tuluá; and 14 others were upgraded, including Tabor and El Pailón (Buenaventura), Juanchito (Candelaria), Darién, Yotoco and Alférez II (Jamundí).
  • In addition, 257 kilometers of distribution networks were built and 555 transformers were installed, among other actions.

March 17, 2023. “All these investments we made in Celsia have led to Valle del Cauca being one of the best electrified departments, with almost 100% coverage and outstanding service quality indicators,” said Julián Cadavid, Celsia’s Transmission and Distribution Head, adding, “it is necessary to continue with this modernization and expansion plan to have a robust system that can meet the new demand for energy due to the arrival of companies or the expansion of current ones, as well as housing development and increased consumption due to the increase in the use of technology in the world, as well as everything related to the incentive of electric mobility.”

With these annual infrastructure investment plans too…

  • Energy service coverageis increased in the 39 municipalities where Celsia is the network operator, which is almost 100%.
  • The goal is to monitor and reduce energy losses or theft, which affects customers because unapproved connections degrade service and because these losses are paid for by everyone through one of the components of the rate. In 2022, 1,306 customers were brought into compliance across the department. As part of the legalization campaign, Celsia gave 528 families from Jamundí, Pradera, Ansermanuevo, Alcalá, La Victoria, Obando and Buenaventura the gift of improving the internal electricity grids of their homes.

 The quality indicators

  • The average duration of interruptions (SAIDI in Spain) of Celsia in the Valley is 9.54 hours and the frequency of interruptions (SAIFI) is 6.06 times a year per customer.
  • The municipalities of Tuluá and San Pedro that are supplied through Cetsa, a Celsia company, have even better indicators and are the best in the country with 2.21 hours and 1.52 times on average each customer per year.
  • Meanwhile, the availability of Celsia’s assets in the Valley of the Regional Distribution System is 99.92%.

Project in the Juanchaco circuit and substation, in Buenaventura; customer benefited from the arrangement of
internal networks and the standardization of networks in rural areas.