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We understand this dimension as the ability to create value responsibly to our stakeholders, ensuring the provision of energy effectiveness, quality and efficiency, promote an ethical and transparent behavior, and managing our risks responsibly.

Management of these matters is aimed at maintaining a long-term outlook and continuing to generate value for our stakeholders so that the financial results are healthy and in harmony with the dynamics of relations with our social and environmental surroundings.

Economic growth

We must maintain a long-term outlook and continue to generate value for our stakeholders so that the financial results are healthy and in harmony with the dynamics of relations with our social and environmental surroundings.

In Integrated Report 2023 you can find our economic performance management.

Sustainable supply

Supplier management is one of the pillars of our Organization for the optimization of purchases as well as the achievement of challenges on a daily basis to be flexible and reliable in our negotiations with said stakeholders. All of this allows us to generate differentiation and build sustainable growth over time.

Additionally, with the development of suppliers, we ensure sustainability through the continuous improvement of administrative, sales, technical, environmental, productive and financial skills. Trust, joint work and the generation of shared value with suppliers are our central lines of action with the aim for both parties to benefit from the relationship in aspects such as:

  • Efficiency in supply processes
  • Reduction of acquisition costs 
  • Mitigation of the risks in supplier selection 
  • Reduction of dependency 
  • Reliability of the hiring processes

All of this allows us to generate differentiation and build sustainable growth over time.

Additionally, with the development of suppliers, we ensure sustainability through the continuous improvement of administrative, sales, technical, environmental, productive and financial skills.

In Integrated Report 2023 you can find our supplier management.

Corporate governance, ethics and transparency

Economic dimension

Corporate governance, ethics and transparency allow the organization to have an appropriate framework of behavior to mitigate risks and generate trust and credibility in the relationship with its stakeholders.

Therefore, the organization not only complies with the normative standards in these matters, but has implemented additional measures that permanently guide the ethical and transparent behavior of its collaborators and Directors, having integrity as an inspiring principle, understanding this word as To do what is right, that is, to act in a responsible, honest, serious, transparent manner and in accordance with the law and the policies set.

Our Government Framework

Ethics and Transparency

To know our contributions

Risk management

We are committed to value creation and sustainability, so enterprise risk management is essential for our Organization. The aim of the ongoing identification, measurement, treatment and monitoring of the risks to which we are exposed is to quickly and proactively assess the positive and negative impacts that may affect the achievement of the strategic objectives and the performance of the business. Enterprise risk management reduces uncertainty in decision-making, and protects and generates value for our Company.

In Integrated Report 2023 you can find our risk management.

Risk management

Customer experience

Economic dimension

At Celsia, the customer is at the center of our strategy

At Celsia, the customer is at the center of our strategy.

Our business model and portfolio are focused on advising and offering integral and efficient solutions in terms of energy, so that companies can be more productive, cities and urban developments more sustainable, and homes can have a better quality of life and well-being.

This view of the customer allows us to understand their needs and align them with market trends, in order to provide them with cutting-edge products and services. We are committed to this promise: to provide them with a smooth, easy, effective and memorable experience during their relationship with our company

See our customer management processes in our  2023 Integrated Report.

Human rights

We are interested in the continuous improvement of our operating practices and the effective integration of human rights into the Organization’s culture. This enables us to know the environment of the operations and ensure their sustainability; to maintain a constant relationship with our stakeholders; and to be in line with the highest standards of performance in terms of human rights.

To learn about our due diligence process, with the respective identification and mitigation of human rights risks, click here

In the Integrated Report 2023 you can find our human rights management.