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We promote innovative actions for the conservation and efficient use of natural resources, comprehensive management of environmental impacts and due diligence throughout the value chain. Through these actions, we aim to ensure the continuity of the business over time, taking into account the expectations of our stakeholders and the timely management of risks. Learn more about our Environmental Policy.

Environmental Management System

Our Environmental Management System is certified under ISO 14001:2015. This ensures that our organization’s operation and maintenance activities comply with the applicable regulations in force and that their socio-environmental criteria promote, in all our stakeholders, innovative actions for the conservation and efficient use of natural resources, the mitigation of negative impacts and the enhancement of positive impacts.

See the certificates.

Our Due Diligence is carried out by interdisciplinary teams made up of financial, legal and socio-environmental employees of the organization.  Learn more about our guide by clicking here.

Environmental impact assessment

By clicking here, here you will find a summary of the environmental impact assessments (EIA) of our assets where we operate.

Climate change

We understand that the effects of climate change give rise to vulnerabilities in our operations. That is why, we are projecting an increasingly cleaner and more balanced energy matrix, with a high share of renewable energies. For more information, click here.

The Greenhouse Gas Inventories and external verification certificates are presented below:

Since 2015, the Company has been reporting to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) on climate change. See these reports below:

These reports and their results are available on the CDP website.

At Celsia we are innovators, and we see great opportunity in Green Hydrogen, to learn more click here.

click here to learn about the roles and responsibilities on climate-related issues

Risks associated with climate change

The organization has identified some of the most important risks associated with climate change that must be studied in upcoming years due to the effect they could have on the business:

  • Decrease or total loss of energy generation capacity.
  • Reduction of the capacity of hydroelectric plants.
  • Denial of permits for the construction of new plants.
  • Political and social instability.
  • Transitional & Physical risks related with climate change. To know more clic here.
  • To know more about Adaptation Plan click here, clic here.
  • At Celsia we have an internal carbon price, to learn more click here.
  • To see the study carried out to quantify the opportunities and risks related to climate click here.
  • Laws and resolutions  on climate action, click here.
  • Strategy for climate change risks and opportunities in Celsia.


Possible effects of climate change in the sector that would impact Celsia:



  • Restrictions in the water flows that are given or renewed.
  • Shorter, more intense droughts or floods.
  • Reduced water quality in the reservoirs.
  • Possible changes in regulation aimed at multi-purpose reservoirs.


  • Reduction of the available water resource.
  • Temperature problems in the cooling units.
  • Water quality problems for steam and cooling.
  • Decrease in power due to increased ambient temperature.
  • Greater restrictions in energy intensity.
  • Opposition by stakeholders to thermal energy projects.


  • Increased wind due to global convection.


We use natural resources in the most efficient way, since the continuity of our business over time depends on it. For this reason, we implement best practices for saving energy, proper disposal of solid waste, landfill management and control of atmospheric emissions. For more information click here.

We take care of our energy consumption to preserve our resources and build a sustainable future. Every action counts on the road to responsible energy efficiency.

Responsible waste management is a priority. We adhere to best practices in this area, ensuring compliance with current regulations and optimizing our environmental performance.

We recognize the importance of water as a vital resource. Therefore, we are committed to managing this resource efficiently and responsibly in all our operations.
