Our materiality analysis is the roadmap that reflects the most important areas of work on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, allowing us to adapt to changes in the environment and the expectations of our stakeholders. We are aware that the context in which we operate has changed, especially after the pandemic and its aftermath. This is why, during 2022, we updated our material issues, an exercise that is valid for two years and will therefore be updated again in 2024.
Below, we detail how we carried out the process of identifying and prioritizing these, and the key issues for the permanence of our business over time.
The identification process to establish our material issues is based on the principle of double materiality and consisted of four steps:
Our approach for this exercise was based on double materiality, we identified the impacts that Celsia generates on the environment and society and at the same time we identified the impact that these issues have financially on the company.
Why a new approach to materiality?
By the relevance of ESG factors to create value in the long term: opportunities and risks.
By requirements of shareholders, investors and other stakeholders in ESG factors: accountability.

This exercise was carried out in the company of an independent third party expert on the subject.
Our material issues
A Greener Planet
- We Face Climate Change: from mitigation, we promote the use and consumption of clean energy, contributing to the decarbonization of energy and the economy. From adaptation, we prepare and respond to climate variations that may affect the service, due to climate-related events, water resource availability or natural disasters.
- We celebrate ante take care of our biodiversity and its ecosystemic services: we focus on the preservation, information assurance and care of the fauna and flora in the biological corridors where we are present. We know that no net loss of biodiversity is the basis for any action, so we address biodiversity risks from the early stages of projects and throughout their life cycle.
We are Partners of Development

- We live in a vibrant, equitable, diverse and inclusive culture: we seek to promote and guarantee diversity and equal opportunities for our teams, developing capabilities in a changing context, respecting human rights at all times and providing the best experience for our employees.
- We are also partners of development: through a good relationship with our communities, we seek to avoid actual or potential negative impacts on human rights that may be caused during the stages of our value chain. Being development partners refers to how we create social value through social investment, local employment generation, and works for taxes.
- We choose to take care of ourselves prioritizing the health and safety of our teams and contractors. safety is a vital and non-negotiable value. Our main objective is that our employees and contractors return home healthy every day, and that our products and services maintain the highest quality standards to care for the communities in which we operate.
We act with a vision of the future

- Diversification and expansion of our business: we are a player in the country’s energy revolution, so we offer a diversified generation matrix, with innovative and efficient services to ensure the necessary resources for our operation.
- Innovation and technology: through technology and digitalization, we seek to diversify our services and improve our performance, simplifying procedures and processes and responding quickly to requests, as well as the operational context. Technology of course leads to greater risks related to information, so cybersecurity plays a vital role behind our management.
We develop our value chain
Supplier management is one of the pillars for Celsia. We seek long-term sustainable growth that seeks to ensure the sustainability of our supply chain, with timely management of risks that may arise, through continuous improvement of administrative, ethics and conduct, commercial, technical, environmental, productive and financial competencies, ensuring the promotion and respect for human rights.
We Enrich Customers' Lives
As part of our culture, we want to turn our customers into fans of Celsia, so our vision is focused on delivering an agile, easy, effective and memorable experience during their relationship with our company. We achieve this in large part by providing quality, uninterrupted service, integrated with the national electricity system and with full availability for our current customers, as well as expanding our service offerings for potential customers.
We adapt to our social and political environment
It contemplates the physical security of the operation, as well as the proactive analysis of the political environment in relation to changes or updates at the regulatory or legal level of the country’s electricity sector.
We seek conscious growth
Focuses on generating value for all our stakeholders through the development of profitable and eco-efficient activities that respond to the needs of the market and our customers.
Our Stakeholders participated in the materiality exercise
Aware that the materiality analysis is a dynamic, participatory exercise that supports the execution of the strategy, we held interviews and focus groups with our stakeholders, complementing the inputs obtained in these with surveys. As a result, we obtained the key issues that are important to our stakeholders, either because they see them as an opportunity or a risk for Celsia, or because they see them as a positive or negative impact that we generate.
The stakeholders that participated in the process were communities, State, collaborators, shareholders, suppliers, contractors, customers and our corporate group, with representatives of Odinsa, Cementos Argos and Grupo Argos. The stakeholders we involved were prioritized based on the AA1000(SES) Accountability standard, characterizing them according to the methodology by: dependence, responsibility, tension, influence and perspective of each actor.
GRI 2-29 The following is a detail of the exercise carried out:
Stakeholder | No. | Mechanism | Key issues |
6, 3 | Focal areas and interview | Development partners Social and political environment Customer experience |
1 | Interview | N/A |
54, 126 | Interviews and survey | Celsia Culture Customer experience Diversification and expansión of new businesses Economic performance Innovation and technology |
1 | Focal space | Innovation and technology Social and political environment Economic performance |
2, 2 | Focal Spaces and Meetings with Suppliers in Valle and Tolima | Value chain and sustainable sourcing Circularity |
6, 41 | Interviews and survey | Customer experience Diversification and expansion of new businesses Economic performance Social and political environment |
1 | Group interview | Celsia Culture Health and safety in operations Innovation and technology Customer experience Value chain and sustainable sourcing Social and political environment |
The key issues highlighted by all Stakeholders are: Biodiversity, Development Partners and Climate Change.
How we relate to our Stakeholders
Our relationship with stakeholders is developed within an ethical, respectful and balanced framework, based on our values, practices and corporate commitments, which help us to build and maintain trust in order to contribute to sustainable development.
For each stakeholder group, we have a particular relationship strategy that is materialized in day-to-day interactions, so their direct responsible are the teams with whom they are in constant contact, in addition, our sustainability team periodically promotes additional spaces for dialogue and consultation. In addition, we have a risk manual to identify and address risks in our stakeholder relations, such as social, political, regulatory and reputational risk.

In order to get to know our stakeholders better and strengthen the relationship, during 2022 we carried out a characterization and prioritization exercise and identified their particularities, the communication channels they prefer, and focused both the information we send them and the information we receive from them, in order to achieve a more personalized and timely interaction.
This exercise resulted in the identification of the following stakeholders:
To learn more about the stakeholders clic here